Home → News → Non-renewable Energy → “America” plans to ease sanctions on Venezuelan oil until July 2024
CNBC newspaper reported from US White House officials that the Joe Biden administration is not inclined to complete the oil sanctions that Trump had imposed on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro as a means of pressure to remove him from power.
Although Maduro has taken all measures to ensure that none of his opponents will run in the elections that will be held in July 2024, the Joe Biden administration wants Venezuelan oil flows to continue regardless of the president in power, and this indicates Biden’s interest in the strategic dimension and the American interest – especially – and global; Because the continued supply of Venezuelan oil will have an impact on competing with Chinese oil, which will lead to lower global oil prices.
The Biden government's trends have been evident since October 2023, when he issued a license to Venezuelan oil companies to operate for a period of 6 months – meaning that it expires in April 2024 – and in return, Maduro pledged to hold free and fair elections.
Officials and analysts believe that the Biden administration will extend that decision until the Venezuelan presidential elections, that is, until July 2024.