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“Saudi Arabia” and “Azerbaijan”: Strengthening cooperation in the energy sector and climate change

May 8, 2024

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Minister of Energy, held a meeting with Parviz Shahbazov, Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan within the framework of strengthening bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The meeting led to a joint statement that stressed the two countries' commitment to enhancing cooperation, especially in the energy sector and climate action.

The meeting aims to seize common opportunities, with a particular focus on enhancing cooperation in the field of energy.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan have strong historical relations and agree on the importance of maintaining the stability and sustainability of oil markets, as it is a key factor in smoothly managing the transition to global energy sources and combating climate change.

Cooperation between the two countries is based on a solid legal framework, including the OPEC+ Declaration of Cooperation and the Cooperation Charter between oil-producing countries, which aim to ensure the stability of the global oil market and promote sustainable economic growth.

The two countries pledged to intensify their efforts on climate action, in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCC) and the Paris Agreement.

Their approach focuses on achieving common but differentiated justice and responsibilities, taking into account national circumstances and country-specific capacities.

The focus of both Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan is on the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29); They commit to supporting ambitious and comprehensive climate action, while emphasizing the need to diversify the economy in line with sustainable development goals.

Both countries have made remarkable progress in the renewable energy sector. Saudi Arabia's outstanding investment in wind energy projects in Azerbaijan is an example of their collaborative efforts.

The two countries affirm their commitment to deepening cooperation in the fields of electricity, renewable energy and energy efficiency, and exchanging knowledge and expertise to achieve mutual benefit.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of cooperation in the field of energy and addressing global challenges.