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Morocco and EU Partner in Green Hydrogen Generation

August 12, 2024

Morocco is making a bold move towards clean energy, emerging as a key strategic partner for the European Union in the field of green hydrogen generation. This shift comes against the backdrop of a global energy crisis and soaring fossil fuel prices, prompting Europe to seek clean and sustainable energy alternatives.

The joint project, dubbed “The Morocco Initiative,” leverages the country’s strategic location and abundant natural resources, positioning it as a virtually unlimited source of renewable energy. This partnership aims to decarbonize the economies of Europe and Africa through the production and transportation of green hydrogen via existing trade routes.

Recently, the first Understanding Forum between Morocco and the EU was held in Rabat, laying the groundwork for organizing green hydrogen production, establishing a legal framework, and developing trade routes with Europe and other clean energy-committed nations. Participants emphasized Morocco’s strategic importance as a future energy hub capable of meeting Europe’s increasing renewable energy needs.

Morocco’s renewable energy strategy targets securing the national industrial sector’s electricity and fuel needs while transitioning to a low-carbon economy. The kingdom aims to cover at least 4% of global demand for green hydrogen and fulfill more than half of its electricity needs through renewable sources by 2030. Morocco has already made significant strides in renewable energy, implementing numerous solar and wind energy projects, and is now focused on developing the green hydrogen sector to reduce fossil fuel dependency and strengthen its position as a regional clean energy center.