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The impact of the Arab-Iranian dispute over the Dorra field on Gulf security

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The impact of the Arab-Iranian dispute over the Dorra field on Gulf security

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Prepared by: Ahmed Abu Youssef

There are internal and external challenges facing the Gulf countries, and Iran is one of the most important of these threats.

After the signing of a reconciliation agreement (Saudi-Iranian) sponsored by China in March 2023, it was expected that Iran would change its behavior in the region, paving the way for resolving the crises, but contrary to expectations, Iran raised the concerns of the Gulf countries New, after announcing its desire to explore Oil in the Kuwaiti-Saudi Dorra field.

Iran claims that it has rights to the field that connects to the Iranian Arash field. Therefore, in this study, we will review the most important features that distinguish the security of the Gulf states, and how? Why is Iran interfering in the region?