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Energy security and development challenges in order to promote sustainable energy in the future

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Energy security and development challenges in order to promote sustainable energy in the future

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Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Hassan
Former Vice President for Studies and Conference Affairs at the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research, Professor of Environmental Studies and Air Pollution at the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Chairman of the National Committee for Environmental Issues at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology

Energy and its uses represent one of the features of the beginning of human civilization, which began with the discovery of fire and the burning of biomass to generate heat for the purpose of heating or cooking. Then, the industrial revolution at the end of the eighteenth century led to a shift in the pattern of energy use from burning biomass to using coal, oil, and natural gas as primary energy sources.

As the population increased over the years, the need for these non-renewable sources doubled. Which has pushed the environment to the brink of destruction and climate change from which we all suffer.