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Renewable energy

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Renewable energy

Renewable energy is derived from natural sources such as solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, and water energy. Water energy is represented by the movement of waves, dams, and tidal movements, while bioenergy or biomass energy sources depend on organic waste as a source of energy.

Renewable energy is energy that is constantly renewed at a rate greater than the rate at which it is consumed. It is energy that does not deplete or disappear with the consumption of its resources. It is energy that is produced from natural processes, without human intervention.

Its most important sources are: solar energy, wind energy, biogas energy, water energy, and geothermal energy.

One of the most important features of renewable energy is that it does not pose any harm to the environment by using it. It works to solve problems resulting from fossil fuel consumption, such as pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, in addition to solving problems associated with the fossil fuel extraction process.