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The conclusion of the activities of the first international conference on energy security after two days of rich sessions, with the participation of officials and experts from “Egypt” and several Arab countries.

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The conclusion of the activities of the first international conference on energy security after two days of rich sessions, with the participation of officials and experts from “Egypt” and several Arab countries.

Saif Bin Hilal Energy Sciences Studies and Research Center sets a road map to confront waterway crises.

The International Energy Security Agency launches the Turbine Artificial Intelligence and Training Center in Egypt next July.

Saif Bin Hilal: The conference achieved its goals… and we are working on cooperation and partnership with governments and the private sector.

“Ecstasy Nashat”: Submitting the final recommendations of the conference to decision makers so that they can be implemented.

The Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Science Studies and Research, the research arm of the International Energy Security Agency, concluded the activities of its first international conference, which came under the title: “Energy Security from Waterways Security,” which lasted for two days, and its opening was attended by Dr. Amr Moussa, former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Engineer Osama Kamal, former Minister of Petroleum, Ambassador Jamila Matar, Director of the Energy Department of the League of Arab States, Dr. Ahmed Mahina, First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity, and representatives of Arab and foreign embassies in Egypt.

A number of energy and oil experts and professors of economics and international law, from the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman, participated in the conference sessions.

The sessions addressed several topics on: waterways in the world, their economic and strategic importance, and the legal framework governing the security of the waterways in the Red Sea and the Straits of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandab. The form and nature of the relationship and the potential repercussions on the security of the waterways, energy security, and security in the Gulf waters and its impact on the global economy were also discussed. The sessions also touched on challenges, insurance mechanisms, and energy security solutions in waterways, within the strategies of Turbine Energy Security Systems companies and their partners.

Saif bin Hilal Al Shehhi, founder and CEO of the International Energy Security Agency and its research arm, the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Science Studies and Research, expressed his happiness with the large attendance that participated in the conference, and the recommendations he came up with that will be submitted to decision makers to contribute to In resolving the current crisis in the Red Sea, pointing to the keenness of the International Energy Security Agency – and its research arm, the “Saif Bin Hilal Center for Studies and Research in Energy Sciences” – to seriously contribute to enriching scientific research in the Arab countries in particular and the whole world in general, on energy issues in all their political dimensions. Economic, social and related problems, and to shed light on ways to achieve security for this vital sector, by organizing conferences, holding training courses and workshops, and issuing bulletins and specialized publications in the field of energy research and studies.

Saif Bin Hilal said that the International Energy Security Agency has many projects that it is currently working on in a number of Arab countries, and branches that will be opened to serve the development plans and goals in these countries in the field of energy security, exploitation of renewable energy sources and the transition to clean energy. Hoping that there will be cooperation and partnership between the International Energy Security Agency and the competent authorities in the energy sector, whether governmental or private.

The founder and CEO of the International Energy Security Agency revealed that the International Energy Security Agency is ready to launch a headquarters for training and developing capabilities in the fields of renewable energy, energy security and the environment in Egypt during the month of next July. It will specialize in the countries of the African Union, and the center will take a name for it: “Turbine for Artificial Intelligence and Training,” noting that the establishment of the center comes within the framework of the International Energy Security Agency’s keenness to expand the provision of various qualitative training related to the field of energy and to preserve its security and sustainability for future generations. Pointing out that the training center aims to cooperate with the best international training centers in the G20 countries. To provide various training programs in the fields of new and renewable energy and energy security, keeping pace with the latest global developments in the field of energy.

For her part, Nashwa Nashat, Executive Director of the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research, said that the first international conference on “Energy Security through Waterways Security” came out as hoped and achieved the goals for which it was held, noting that the conference sessions It was rich in its topics and axes, and witnessed meaningful discussions in its content and message, pointing out that the conference came out with a number of preliminary recommendations, provided that the final recommendations will be formulated by a specialized committee of experts in a conference that will be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain next July, and what is reached will be presented. From the final recommendations to decision makers, hoping that they will find their way to implementation on the ground.

The Executive Director of the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research explained that the conference’s recommendations focused on the importance of the concept of security. It is a concept with multiple political, economic, geopolitical, security and social dimensions, and based on the close relationship between the concept of energy security and waterways security, each of them affects the other and has positive and negative repercussions. It can be said that energy security is an integral part of the security of waterways, pointing to the increasing nature of the challenges posed in the straits and waterways, at all local, regional and international levels, which necessitates the necessity of regional integration in all fields, the most important of which is the field of waterways and their security. Emphasizing the necessity and importance of opening channels for regional dialogue and negotiation in all fields, including the field of waterways security.