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Energy challenges and climate change in the Arab region

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Energy challenges and climate change in the Arab region

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Prepared by: Dr. Samir Tantawi, climate change consultant at the United Nations, member of the International Panel on Climate Change

The Arab region is one of the regions most affected by energy challenges and climate change in the world. This region combines enormous wealth of fossil energy, such as oil and gas, and vast areas of drought, which increases the complexity of the environmental and economic problems it faces.

Energy development and coexistence with climate change in the region are at the top of the priority agenda of governments, institutions and communities in this region.

The Arab region is characterized by a diverse climate. It has moderate coastal areas and hot, dry desert areas. In recent years, the climate challenges in the region have intensified due to the global increase in temperatures and its effects on the environmental balance and water resources.

High temperatures lead to an acceleration of the evaporation process. Which causes water scarcity and rain retention, which negatively affects the agricultural, water and economic sectors in general.