Home → News → Renewable Energy → China: Photovoltaic Power Generation Increased 30-Fold in 10 Years
China revealed an increase in total primary energy production over 10 years, specifically between 2013 and 2023, by about 35%.
The installed capacity of wind power generation in China has increased nearly five-fold while the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation has increased by more than 30-fold, to further improve the structure of energy consumption and promote green and low-carbon development to new levels, Chairman Gang Jianhua of the National Energy Commission of China said.
China continued to improve the structure of energy consumption during that period, Jianhua added, noting that his country has established the largest infrastructure system for charging electric cars in the world. Over ten years, the “green content” of economic development has improved significantly in China as a result of the decline in the percentage of coal consumption by 12.1 percentage points and the increase in the percentage of consumption of non-fossil energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, and nuclear energy by 7.7 percentage points, he added.
China is currently considered one of the world’s advanced countries in the field of modernizing energy technology, and it will work in the future on a low-carbon transition, coordinating energy security while reducing fossil energy consumption, promoting transformation, and improving energy use, Jianhua stated.
About 12 million charging facilities will be built across China by 2025, and efforts are being made to raise the level of final energy electrification to about 30%, in addition to continuing to expand the scope of green electricity consumption and raising the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption by one percentage point every year, Jianhua stated.