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Heavy rains in Dubai call for adaptation to climate change

April 22, 2024

Heavy rain fell in Dubai last week; Which led to widespread floods, the cessation of air traffic, and damage to property. These floods raised questions about the extent of Dubai’s preparedness – one of the hottest and driest cities in the world – to confront such extreme weather phenomena.

Dubai was not prepared for the amount of heavy rain that fell within a short period, as the drainage systems proved insufficient to absorb these quantities of water. Which led to the flooding of many areas.

Climate change caused by human activity is a major factor in increasing the severity and frequency of extreme weather phenomena such as storms and heavy rain, and expectations indicate that the Middle East region will face more of these phenomena in the future.

The recent floods in Dubai demonstrate the urgent need to adapt to climate change, and this requires governments to invest in more climate-resilient infrastructure, develop better water management systems, and urban planning that takes into account extreme weather events.

Dubai is not alone in facing these challenges. Other cities in the region, such as Derna in Libya and Beijing in China, have been exposed to devastating floods in recent years.

Addressing climate change and its impacts on cities requires a global effort, and governments and international organizations must cooperate to develop effective solutions and exchange knowledge and expertise.