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COP28 UAE: Nuclear Energy Tops the Agenda

November 28, 2023

The role of nuclear energy in achieving sustainable developmentis a topic that sparks heated debate among experts and the general public alike.

With COP28 convening in Dubai, discussions on nuclear energy are expected to dominate the agenda.

According to reports, there will be intensive efforts to rally support for significantly increasing nuclear capability globally by 2050.

As per experts, the ministerial event “Atoms4NetZero, which I’m holding on December 5th, is anticipated to get particular attention during the summit.

The event, hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the presidency of the 28th Conference of the Parties, reveals the statement of the IAEA on nuclear energy, focusing on its crucial role in achieving the net-zero nuclear energy transition.

The World Nuclear Association has previously indicated to Atoms4NetZero that upon submitting its initiative “net zero nuclear energy,” it aims to triple the global nuclear capability by 2050.

There is a division of opinion about nuclear energy; while Germany seeks to phase out nuclear energy and focus on renewables, other countries are expanding their nuclear capacities.

The United Kingdom intends to produce up to 24 gigawatts of nuclear energy by 2050, while Sweden plans to build new reactors. France, which is a prominent player in nuclear energy, also aims to increase its reactors.

The International Atomic Energy Agency also has a pavilion titled “Atoms4Climate” at the 28th Conference of the Parties, where the contributions of nuclear technology and science in addressing the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation are showcased.

With intensifying discussions on energy security, carbon removal, and climate change, nuclear energy remains an important topic of discussion.

Its advocates see that it can reduce reliance on exporting fossil fuels and achieve net-zero emissions, while opponents raise concerns about cost, waste ratio, and the availability of renewable alternatives.

In any case, COP28 provides a platform for different points of view on energy future and security to be discussed and addressed through study and analysis.