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“Europe” Finds Its Way into Azerbaijan’s Gas as an Alternative to Russian

June 12, 2024

European countries are seeking alternative solutions to secure their natural gas supply as the expiration date of the gas transit agreement through Ukraine approaches at the end of this year.

Discussions are underway between EU countries and their counterparts in Ukraine and Azerbaijan to ensure the uninterrupted flow of gas during the upcoming winter season.

Many Eastern European nations heavily rely on Russian gas, which is transported through Ukrainian pipelines. With the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, European countries are increasingly concerned about potential disruptions in gas supplies, particularly as the expiration date of the current agreement draws near.

According to a reliable source, one option under consideration involves European companies purchasing gas from Azerbaijan and transporting it through the existing Russian pipelines in Ukraine. This solution offers a twofold benefit for Europe: it allows for gas acquisition without direct dependence on Russian sources and generates income for Ukraine through gas transit fees. Oleksiy Chernyshov, CEO of the Ukrainian state company “Naftogaz”, has expressed support for this proposal, emphasizing the importance of utilizing Ukraine’s extensive gas transportation infrastructure.

It’s worth noting that Russia traditionally exports approximately 15 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe annually, with significant portions directed towards Slovakia and Austria.

Austria, in particular, heavily relies on Russian gas, with Russian imports constituting over 80% of its consumption for five consecutive months.