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“Morocco” signs an agreement with an Australian company to produce green hydrogen

April 16, 2024

The Office Chérifien des Phosphates in Morocco concluded an agreement with the Australian company “Fortescue” to produce green hydrogen and ammonia, and it is expected that the company Hydrojeel – which is a subsidiary of Innovx – will implement it. OCP Group, the leader in plant nutrition and phosphate fertilizers, and Fortescue Energy, which is distinguished in the field of green energy, announced the establishment of a project A distinguished joint venture in Morocco with Tarfaya in equal proportions to provide green hydrogen, in addition to green fertilizers in Morocco and Europe. The development includes equipping the manufacturing and research center in addition to promoting the renewable energy industry, which is growing rapidly in Morocco.

The union aims to achieve goals related to reducing carbon emissions, and the alliance shares a common vision about the effective and essential role of green hydrogen and green ammonia to create a sustainable future worldwide, and production focuses on establishing a new factory scheduled to be built in Tarfaya as an energy source in the manufacture of green fertilizers, which allows… By reducing its imports of ammonia, which amounted to about 20 billion dirhams in 2022.

The Tarfaya project aims to provide green ammonia produced from hydrogen and neutral nitrogen in carbon dioxide, and is obtained through the air as an alternative to traditional ammonia with multiple applications. It is expected to be used to store and transfer energy from renewable energy plants and turn it into fuel to help remove carbon from… Marine industry.

The company's goal is to accelerate the pace of building an integrated environmental system for producing green ammonia from hydrogen, as it is one of the most important and cheap alternatives available, and is considered a clean fuel for energy-intensive industries. The Tarfaya factory requires 70 billion dirhams of investment, and the production capacity is expected to reach 200 thousand tons, and the factory will enter into operation. Operations in 2026 before rising to one million tons in 2027 and then to three million tons by 2032. The office aims to increase its needs to two million tons of ammonia in 2030, half of which will come from the global market and the other half will be produced in Moroccan facilities. It also has other uses, namely: Producing agricultural fertilizers that are widely used. The production capacity will reach about 5 gigawatts of wind and solar energy until 2027. It is considered an important alternative to storing green hydrogen, which allows achieving carbon neutrality in addition to removing carbon from agriculture by 2040.

Transporting green hydrogen from ammonia costs between US$1.9 and US$2.2 compared to US$2 to US$2.5 for organic liquid hydrogen and about US$2 to US$3.7 for liquid hydrogen, which means that green ammonia is cheaper and more efficient.