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A delegation from the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research discussed ways to enhance cooperation with the League of Arab States in the field of energy.

June 2, 2024

As part of its keenness to build bridges of communication and cooperation with regional and international organizations, a delegation from the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research visited the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. Where he met with His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Maliki, Assistant Secretary-General, Head of the Economic Affairs Sector of the League of Arab States.

The delegation included His Excellency Saif bin Hilal Al Shehhi, founder and CEO of the Center and the International Energy Security Agency, Professor Nashwa Nashat, Executive Director of the Saif Bin Hilal Center, and Professor Hussein Al Qamzi, economic and financial expert. , the founding partner of Three Capital in the UAE, and Professor Yousef Zain Al-Abidin Zainal, an expert in international maritime law, former member of the Bahraini Parliament, and Professor Ali bin Abdullah Al-Riyami, an energy expert in the Sultanate of Oman.

During the visit, the most important research and development activities provided by the Saif Bin Hilal Center were reviewed, which serve the energy sector and enhance its security in the Arab region, as well as the goals and future plans that the International Energy Security Agency and the Center seek to achieve in the next stage.

The two sides also discussed ways of joint cooperation between them and how to develop it in a way that serves the various fields of energy and strengthens relations between the center and all government institutions working in the field of energy.

This meeting comes after the distinguished and fruitful conference organized by the Saif Bin Hilal Center for Energy Sciences Studies and Research this week under the title: “Energy Security from Waterways Security,” in which the League of Arab States participated, represented by Her Excellency Ambassador Jamila Matar, Director of the Energy Department of the Arab League.