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Asian oil prices decline due to the Iranian attack on “Israel”

April 15, 2024

Asian oil markets saw a significant drop in oil prices on Monday morning, following the Iranian attack on Israel over the weekend. This decline is due to several main factors, including investors reducing the risk premiums added to oil prices, after they were certain of the limited damage resulting from the attack.

The effectiveness of Israeli defenses also played an important role in reducing fears of major disruptions to oil supplies. The Iron Dome system succeeded in intercepting most of the Iranian missiles. In addition, the International Energy Agency's expectations of a decline in oil demand growth this year contributed to a negative impact on prices.

Although there has been no direct impact on oil supplies so far due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip, oil prices witnessed a temporary rise last Friday, in anticipation of the Iranian response to the targeting of their consulate in Damascus. However, the future path of oil prices depends on many factors, the most important of which are the expansion of the conflict between Israel and Iran, international reactions to the attack, and market developments in general.

If the conflict expands and geopolitical turmoil becomes more severe, oil prices are expected to rise significantly. International reactions, such as imposing new sanctions on Iran, may also significantly affect oil prices.

Overall, oil prices will remain vulnerable to market fluctuations based on global factors such as demand, supply and geopolitical turmoil; Therefore, it is important to closely monitor developments in the conflict, and understand the geopolitical and economic factors affecting oil markets; To make informed investment decisions.