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The United States sets a new record in natural gas exports during 2023

April 16, 2024

The US Energy Information Administration revealed that 8 billion cubic feet of gas will be imported per day during 2023, mostly via pipelines from Canada, a 3% decrease from 2022.

These imports play a vital role in supporting US gas consumption during the peak of winter (January and February), but they witnessed a 6% decline in the first two months of 2023 due to mild winter weather.

Wildfires in western Canada during April and May 2023 also led to a decline in Canadian exports to the United States by 9%.

On the other hand, US LNG imports remain small compared to pipeline imports; It has not exceeded 0.1 billion cubic feet per day over the past two years, and it goes almost exclusively to the New England region.

On the other hand, the United States recorded record numbers in its exports of natural gas via pipelines and liquefied gas during the year 2023. Gas exports via pipelines rose to 8.9 billion cubic feet per day, with a 7% increase in exports to Canada.

Gas exports from the Northeast also increased by 15% (0.2 billion cubic feet per day), and exports to Mexico doubled by 9% to reach 5.6 billion cubic feet per day.

Regarding liquefied gas, the United States recorded 11.9 billion cubic feet per day; This makes it the largest exporter of liquefied gas in the world, which means that it has surpassed Australia and Qatar.

The United States continued to lead during the first quarter of 2024, with an amount of 12 billion cubic feet per day. Which strengthens its position as a major player in the global energy market.