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Ara Petroleum obtains the right to develop the largest gas project in Tanzania

May 26, 2024

Ara Petroleum, part of Oman's prestigious Zubair Group, has announced that its joint venture in Tanzania has received a 25-year development license from the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy.

This ambitious project aims to develop the Netoria gas field, which is the largest onshore gas project in the country.

Officials from Ara Petroleum Tanzania Limited (APT), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ara Petroleum, expressed their great happiness at obtaining this development license, which represents an important achievement in the company’s journey.

Erhan Sayiji, General Manager of APT, confirmed that the company is fully prepared to immediately begin development work, saying: “We are excited to begin implementing this gas field development project and push it toward production.”

The company expects an initial production of 40 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCF/day) in the first year, with aspirations to increase production to 140 million standard cubic feet per day over the next few years.

This comes in line with the gas sales agreement the company signed with the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) earlier this year.

Furthermore, APT believes that the Ntoria field holds much greater potential; Initial estimates indicate that there is 3.45 trillion cubic feet of primary gas in place (GIIP).

The company plans further exploration and evaluation work in the region. She believes that the Ntoria gas field has the potential to change the rules of the game in the Tanzanian energy sector; Which helps the country become a regional energy hub.

This achievement is an important step towards a promising energy future in Tanzania. Ara Petroleum is committed to strengthening the country's energy sector and paving the way towards sustainable economic development.