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New gas discovery in Norway

March 14, 2024

The British company Harbor Energy has discovered a natural gas field in the North Sea, specifically off the coast of Norway. The volume of gas in that field is estimated to range between one million and three million standard cubic meters of oil equivalent.

This discovery is within the scope granted to Harbor Energy and two other companies in 2021. Harbor Energy has a 40% share of the area and Aker BP also has a 40% share, while Sval Energy has only a 30% share. The Norwegian Maritime Directorate subsequently granted licenses to these companies in 2023 for exploratory drilling in the area. .

Commenting on Europe's growing interest in the field of gas, its extraction, and energy generation from it, a report was published on the risks of gas in this regard, and how there are a number of European countries that obstruct reaching the 1.5 degree Celsius goal, namely Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

The report singled out Norway and the United Kingdom as two of the European countries that most ignored the provisions of the Paris Agreement, and granted many licenses related to the exploration of gas fields and its use in energy.

Earlier this month, Perenco Group announced the discovery of a gas field also in the North Sea, specifically off the coast of the United Kingdom. This gas discovery includes an amount of 20 to 40 billion cubic feet of gas.