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“OPEC”: The International Energy Agency’s forecasts are “promising”

March 14, 2024

After OPEC and the International Energy Agency differed in oil demand forecasts in 2024, OPEC stated that, despite the low expectations of the IEA, it sees them as promising regarding future oil demand.

In addition to the IEA's forecast, which it published earlier this week, which was 1.03 million barrels per day lower than OPEC's forecast – the largest difference between the agency and OPEC in 16 years, according to Reuters – the IEA added that global demand for oil, although… It is characterized by a state of uncertainty and facing shortages and cuts in supplies, which will negatively affect people’s lives from an environmental and investment perspective.

In turn, OPEC described the Energy Agency’s forecasts as “promising,” meaning the inevitability of the presence of oil in people’s lives and their dependence on it despite all the difficulties they face because of it. OPEC also warned that the state of demolishing the stability witnessed by the global oil market due to the Energy Agency’s warnings about it and neutralizing the direction of investors. About investing in it.

Regarding future expectations for oil demand, views differed between the agency and OPEC as well. The International Energy Agency said that the world will reach peak demand for oil by 2030, while OPEC believes that the world will reach this stage by 2045.