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“Kazakhstan” buys 280 million kilowatts of electricity from “Russia”

May 12, 2024

Kazakhstan announced that it will import large amounts of electricity from Russia this year. In order to meet the increasing demand during peak times.

Astana obtained Russian electricity at higher than usual prices, and this is considered evidence of the increasing need for electricity.

Cooperation between the two countries in the field of electricity comes as one of the comprehensive forms of cooperation between the two countries in the energy sector and is at the forefront of joint cooperation files.

Cooperation in the fields of natural gas includes importing gasoline in addition to building electrical stations in Kazakhstan. With the aim of solving the power outage crisis that occurs frequently.

Kazakh Energy Minister Al-Masdam Satkaliyev confirmed that his country has purchased about 280 million kilowatts per hour of electricity since the beginning of 2024, due to the shortage of electricity supplies.

The price of electricity varies according to the hours of the day, as it is cheap during the night hours, while during peak hours, electricity prices are more expensive. For this reason, the state is forced to buy electricity at more expensive prices.

Kazakhstan suffers from several challenges, including a shortage of electricity supply for 3 hours, which forces the government to import electricity from Russia.

Astana adopts a comprehensive program aimed at developing the energy sector, which includes optimal exploitation of the capabilities of energy facilities, which aims to fill the deficit in demand for electricity.

Electricity supplies to Kazakhstan during 2023 amounted to about 4.7 billion kilowatts per hour.

Russia considers Kazakhstan one of the countries that falls within its area of influence due to the conditions that prevailed and spread during the period of Soviet control, and Russian President Vladimir Putin also confirmed that Kazakhstan is considered close to Moscow.

There are several forms of cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, especially in the field of energy. Kazakhstan seeks to help Russia and mitigate the impact of international sanctions imposed on it, especially after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Kazakhstan aims to highlight its primary position as a transit country for Russian natural gas to Central Asia. The Russian gas giant Gazprom is investing in modernizing the old pipeline network in Astana.

Due to the development of Astana's natural gas pipelines, Gazprom has been able, since the summer of 2023, to send natural gas supplies to Uzbekistan at a rate of about 2.8 billion cubic meters of gas every year.