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“India”: Increasing the share of renewable energy in electricity generation

June 2, 2024

India is making great efforts to meet the increasing demand for electricity, especially during peak periods.

Generating electricity with gas is one of the available options, but with the rising cost of gas and increasing interest in clean energy, reliance on gas in this area is being reduced.

Generating electricity with gas is an expensive option in the short term, especially with India’s dependence on imported liquefied gas. Energy storage solutions, such as battery storage and pumped hydroelectric storage, reduce reliance on gas-fired power plants to meet peak demand.

The Indian government is implementing plans to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation, with a focus on fixed and dispatchable renewable energy (FDRE) solutions and energy storage systems.

The government is also implementing innovative tendering mechanisms to ensure the availability of renewable energy around the clock and facilitating its integration into the grid, and is taking steps to restart idle or underutilized gas power plants to meet the increasing demand for electricity during peak periods.

Solar and wind energy are viable options in the long term to meet electricity demand, especially as technology develops and costs decrease. Energy storage solutions play an important role in providing energy during peak periods and reducing dependence on gas-fired power plants.