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A Korean-French partnership to win a solar energy project in the UAE

March 25, 2024

The South Korean agency "Yonhap" revealed that it had signed a joint development agreement with a French company affiliated with the state-run "Electricité de France" company, and the agreement aims to win the project to build a solar energy station with a capacity of 1.5 gigawatts in Al Khazna in the United Arab Emirates.

The two sides concluded the agreement with the aim of submitting bids for the project to build the Khazanah solar energy station. It will be completed in 2027 and will operate for 30 years during the first half of this year. The company will be responsible for financing and negotiations. If the South Korean company wins the project, it will be responsible for financing the design, procurement and construction. In addition to maintenance.

The company won a solar energy project with a production capacity of about 500 megawatts in the Sultanate of Oman in cooperation with the company “EDF-R”. It won a large-scale solar energy project in the Emirates, where the company will establish a solar energy station, with a production capacity expected to reach about 1,500 megawatts at the site located 70 kilometers east of Abu Dhabi, and this will come by July 2026 by pumping about (748 million dollar).