Home → News → Renewable Energy → Solar energy in Algeria is booming with a new project
Solar energy projects in Algeria are considered a strong start, with the laying of the foundation stone for the second station within the 3,000 megawatt program, which is supervised by Sonelgaz, and the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, during his visit to the Al-Aanat region, which is located in the province of Touqrt district, laid the foundation stone for the completion of a solar power station. It is 150 megawatts.
Arkab pointed out the importance of the solar energy project, as it is considered a prominent advance in the country's energy transition path, in accordance with the program of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, which allows for preserving the environment and rationalizing the use of gas in generating electricity.
It is expected that the project will be implemented within 14 months, as it will stimulate the solar energy industry in Algeria, which will provide 500 job opportunities during the construction phase and 10 opportunities for the station. The station was entrusted with the task of completing 27 photovoltaic subfields within the contracts signed on March 14 for the company Cosidar Kanawat.
The project is considered part of the 3,000 megawatt program, which includes 2,000 megawatts and is represented in the implementation of 15 solar energy stations whose capacity ranges from 80 to 220 megawatts distributed across 12 states across the country, and Solar 1000, which includes the completion of 5 solar stations whose capacity ranges between 50 and 300 megawatts distributed across 5 states of the country. .
The project is considered the first solar power station in Algeria with a production capacity of 200 megawatts in the state of Al-Mughayir, southeast of the country, and days after the signing of the implementation of solar stations for the two 2023 tenders for the Sonelgaz complex, with a production capacity of about 3,000 megawatts, within a national program that aims to achieve 15,000 megawatts of solar energy by the year 2035 through more than 40 states.
“Toqurt” is moving toward becoming one of the distinguished states nationally in the production of electrical energy. The state provides 1,100 megawatts of electrical energy that adequately meets local needs, as the electrical energy consumed amounts to about 670 megawatts, which reflects the extent of energy sufficiency that this state has achieved despite From urban and industrial expansion.
Arkab expressed his satisfaction with the upward movement in energy activity in the state of Toucourt, in which the percentage of coverage with electricity reaches 97%, while the percentage of connection to natural gas reaches 84%. The state of Toucourt currently records the implementation of 154 connections to electricity and gas for the benefit of 9,401 housing units from various municipalities. Completion of 360 kilometers of the electrical and gas network within 306 operations within the framework of Sonelgaz’s investment program, which began in 2022.
Arkab stressed that the project comes in light of the national strategy that aims to enhance and support fuel storage capabilities, which allows for reducing supply disruptions, especially in the interior and southern states of the country.
Arkab supervised the process of connecting to the natural gas network for the benefit of 800 Al-Mustaqbal A homes. These projects are the fruits of the state’s efforts aimed at improving public service and contributing to the well-being of citizens. He stressed the need for citizens to adhere to the necessary measures regarding periodic monitoring of gas-operated devices. In order to avoid any suffocation resulting from carbon monoxide gas, they must be careful and careful when dealing with heating devices and ensuring ventilation for homes.