Home → News → Renewable Energy → “Emirates” is a global beacon of sustainability that lights the path to a clean energy future
The United Arab Emirates is proving its global leadership in the field of sustainability and clean energy through its distinguished achievements and ambitious future plans. The UAE embodies an exceptional model of a country that strives to establish the principles of sustainability in all aspects of its life, and is the first country in the region to announce a strategic initiative to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
The UAE is strengthening its leading position in the field of clean energy investments locally and internationally. It is home to the largest and most cost-efficient solar energy plants in the world, and it became the first country in the region to add peaceful nuclear energy to its electrical network.
Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company – “Masdar” – embodies a fundamental pillar of the UAE’s approach to sustainability, climate action, innovation and the dissemination of clean energy solutions, through its effective contribution to combating the effects of climate change and reducing carbon emissions.
Masdar is organizing a new session of the World Future Energy Summit. To be a leading global platform that brings together actors in the renewable energy sector, provides important investment opportunities, and attracts the most prominent sector leaders, innovation and thought leaders, and visionaries around the world.
The World Future Energy Summit aims to support the development of future energy, enhance energy efficiency, innovate clean technologies and formulate the visions and policies necessary to further develop the renewable energy sector. The World Future Energy Summit represents a global platform that brings together actors in the renewable energy sector and provides important investment opportunities. It also attracts the most prominent sector leaders, innovation and thought leaders, and visionaries around the world. In order to discuss agendas aimed at building a sustainable future.
During the summit, Masdar is organizing a program full of activities, discussion sessions, and forums. The Masdar pavilion during the summit will serve as a center for showcasing innovative solutions, enhancing cooperation, and exchanging knowledge. It will host within its theater a busy program focused on supporting the achievement of the goals of the historic “UAE Agreement” for climate action reached during the 28COP conference.