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ExxonMobil is developing a new technology to remove carbon dioxide from the air

April 28, 2024

Oil giant ExxonMobil plans to halve the costs of removing carbon dioxide directly from the air, as a key tool to combat climate change.

The company's CEO, Darren Woods, explained that current technology is expensive; The cost of removing carbon from the air ranges between $600 and $1,000 per ton, but he noted that ExxonMobil is working on a pilot project in Texas to test the feasibility of its direct air capture technology; With the aim of reducing the cost to $100 per ton.

Woods believes that achieving this goal will make the technology widely applicable and will be a powerful boost to the fight against climate change.

Woods stressed that the company does not claim that it alone will solve the challenge of removing carbon from the air, but that it will play a major role in developing this technology, benefiting from its capabilities and experience.

Woods noted that dozens of universities and other companies are also working on developing direct air capture technologies, expressing confidence that ExxonMobil will be at the forefront of disseminating this technology on a large scale once the target cost is reached.