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Decisive steps towards accelerating solar energy projects in Germany

April 28, 2024

Germany is moving towards accelerating the pace of solar energy projects of all sizes. In an effort to enhance energy security and reduce dependence on Russian gas.

The German Parliament, the Bundestag, approved the first package of laws for solar energy measures, known as SolarPaket I, which is an important step towards achieving the country's ambitious solar energy goals.

The new package includes several measures, most notably: increasing the price of feed-in tariffs for commercial and industrial projects; With the aim of attracting more investments in large solar energy projects, and facilitating the procedures for installing solar power plants, by reducing bureaucratic procedures related to installing solar power plants on the rooftops of homes and commercial and industrial buildings, and enhancing environmental operating standards to ensure that solar power plants adhere to the highest standards of sustainability, and supporting the installation Solar panels on the balconies of homes, and finally raising the limit for large solar energy projects from 20 MW to 50 MW; This encourages the development of larger and more efficient solar energy projects.

These new developments are a milestone in Germany's path towards clean, renewable energy security. These steps also contribute to accelerating the pace of solar energy projects, attracting more investments in this vital sector, and enhancing the country's efforts to achieve its ambitious climate goals.