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30% share of renewable energy in world electricity production

May 8, 2024

A report issued by the Empire Research Foundation revealed that renewable energy achieved a significant milestone in 2023; Its share of total global electricity production reached 30% for the first time.

This increase represents an important milestone in the process of achieving global climate goals. It indicates the possibility of achieving the goal of tripling renewable capacity by 2030.

This accelerated growth is due to the increase in solar and wind projects, especially in China, which saw more than half of the global increase in these two renewables last year.

Expectations indicate that this trend will continue in 2024; It is expected to lead to a decrease in fossil fuel production by 2%. This pushes its share of total electricity generation to less than 60% for the first time since 2000.

The shift towards renewable energy sources is crucial to combat climate change and reduce harmful emissions.

The COP28 climate summit, held in Dubai last year, emphasized the importance of this transformation. More than 100 countries have pledged to triple their renewable energy capacity by 2030.

There are still some challenges that must be overcome to achieve this ambitious goal, including grid communications issues, where renewable energy projects need appropriate electricity grid infrastructure to ensure their seamless integration into the existing system, as well as new project permits, which require making more renewable projects available and accelerating the approval process. on its permits.

Despite these challenges, the growing momentum toward renewable energy provides reason for optimism, and increasing investments and advanced technological innovations show that the world is moving toward a more sustainable future.