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Green hydrogen in Iraq and steps forward

February 18, 2024

Iraq is one of the Arab countries that has an advanced plan to produce green hydrogen. Iraq is keen to catch up with the world in reducing carbon emissions and producing electricity from clean, non-polluting energy sources. Iraq has moved towards this, considering that green hydrogen has become the fuel of the future.

The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayyan Abdul Ghani, stated – during his opening of the ninth energy exhibition and conference in Iraq, which was held at the Baghdad International Fair on Monday, February 12, 2024 – that Iraq is taking steps to establish the first project to produce green hydrogen, and this comes in conjunction with the preparation of the draft energy law. Renewed and sent to the House of Representatives.

The production capacity of the first green hydrogen production project in Iraq is about 800 tons annually, and Iraq plans to establish a solar energy station with a production capacity of about 130 megawatts, but the cost of the project has not been disclosed.

The Iraqi government has achieved many achievements in oil and gas investments, starting with activating oil licensing rounds that were suspended by the government. This coincides with officials’ keenness to enact legislation during the coming period. In order to establish a foundation for the advancement of the clean energy sector in order to diversify the energy mix in addition to reducing emissions.

The process of producing green hydrogen is carried out through electrolysis, through the process of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. The electricity used in the process of producing green hydrogen comes from renewable sources represented by wind and solar energy. After this step, carbon-free green hydrogen is produced.

 The efforts of the Iraqi government in implementing the project:
The Iraqi government made its effort to sign and activate contracts for the green hydrogen project due to its importance in investing in gas and using it to generate electricity. Iraq developed a plan aimed at stopping the burning of gas in oil fields, and Iraq signed contracts and agreements in the field of green hydrogen, in addition to following the best practices applicable in the global oil industries. .

The Iraqi government’s efforts to establish the first green hydrogen project in Iraq come with two projects to produce blue hydrogen, and it is expected that a French company – “Total Energy” – will begin work on their implementation. The Iraqi government is working to develop the electricity system with the aim of achieving self-sufficiency, in addition to searching for sources Renewable to activate electrical energy, and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil worked to double production to more than 4.7 million barrels per day.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil works diligently to keep pace with global developments in green hydrogen production. Because it is a clean energy source and considered the fuel of the future, the Ministry of Oil in Iraq laid the first and basic building block for renewable energy projects and paid attention to achieving this step with the aim of increasing the projects, and stressed the continuation of work to implement renewable energy projects with the aim of investing in solar energy as a source of fuel for laboratories.

 The role of Iraqi efforts in developing the green hydrogen sector:
Iraq is trying not only to secure the energy needs of citizens, but is working to secure it in a clean and sustainable manner. In light of this, efforts are continuing to complete the first project to produce green hydrogen. The completion of this project will put Iraq on the right path to converting to clean energy in addition to reducing carbon emissions.

Iraq has prepared a draft of the Renewable Energy Law. The law aims to establish an administrative structure for this vital file, in addition to issuing legislation to accelerate work on it in order to pave the way for the expansion of hydrogen projects during the coming period. Iraq is working to establish an administrative structure for the vital green hydrogen file in addition to issuing the necessary legislation with the aim of accelerating the work. The project was submitted to the Ministerial Council and moved to the House of Representatives with the aim of approving it, and the Ministry of Oil in Iraq began implementing the first green hydrogen project in Iraq, and this is in the interest of the Southern Refineries Company.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil opened the first hydrogen production unit in 2022, and the opening of the new unit came in light of Iraq’s interest in catching up with countries in transitioning to clean energy, as green hydrogen is considered the fuel of the future.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil confirmed that the green hydrogen production unit, which was opened at the Oil Research and Development Center for research purposes, was achieved through national efforts in addition to internal capabilities, and the Ministry’s advisor for energy affairs, “Abdul Baqi Khalaf,” stated – during his opening of the unit – that the project is considered the first step. To the Ministry for Iraq to join the global program for the transition to clean, non-polluting energy.

Iraq is committed to reducing gas emissions and pollutants in addition to protecting the environment and climate. Iraq stressed its commitment to the importance of fulfilling the shift towards renewable energy and clean energy projects to keep pace with the global trend towards clean energy, including the Paris Climate Agreement. In light of this, we will present the production capabilities of the new unit.

The Ministry of Oil stated that solar energy is considered the most widely used source for producing green hydrogen, and the prevalence of renewable energy may reach 20 to 40% by 2030. In parallel with the country’s efforts to reduce its dependence on oil and gas, the investment costs associated with solar energy and technology continue to decline, making installation The economic potential of these abundant resources is more feasible, and the development of renewable energy projects is considered to contribute to the production of green hydrogen in Iraq. Thus, it enhances Baghdad’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and transition to a low-carbon economy.

 The Iraqi Green Hydrogen Production Unit 2022:
This unit is an essential part of the Iraqi state's efforts in the field of green hydrogen. The process of preparing and operating the green hydrogen production unit includes many steps that depend on the national effort by researchers at the Petroleum Research and Development Center. The production capacity of one unit reached about 12 cubic meters per hour, which is considered enough energy to fill two cylinders per hour of green hydrogen with a degree of purity. High; The degree of purity is approximately 99.5%, and this is sufficient to meet the needs of research departments to operate Al-Reyadah and other units and equipment that use gas in their work, and this can be used to prepare companies and state institutions to operate with green hydrogen.

The cost of producing one kilogram of hydrogen was about $9.6, and this cost is considered quite low after the completion of the solar cell project. In contrast, the price of one cylinder of green hydrogen in the local market was about $200.

The Iraqi government announces its adoption and support for the green hydrogen sector. At the Renewable Energy Forum, which was held in Baghdad in 2022, Iraq announced its support for investment in the private sector that produces and develops green hydrogen technologies. In light of this, we will present how the completion of this project will affect the Iraqi economy.

 The impact of the green hydrogen project on “Iraq”:
The goal of implementing the green hydrogen project is to keep Iraq abreast of progress, especially in the renewable and clean energy sector and achieving carbon zero. The implementation of the green hydrogen project produces several positive results that are reflected in Iraq. Iraq will produce clean energy, and the production capacity will reach about 3,700 megawatts during the year 2024.

In conjunction with the launch of the first project to produce green hydrogen, the Ministry of Oil in Iraq began issuing the first tender. To implement carbon conservation projects financed by carbon bonds for the gas burning project in the eastern field in Baghdad with a capacity of 12 million standard cubic feet, and this is considered an important step in the Iraqi energy file.

Iraq seeks to establish an integrated strategy aimed at reducing carbon emissions. So that the transition to renewable and clean energy will serve as a source for reviving the Iraqi economy, and in light of this, the government is working to launch the integrated gas project. The production capacity of the project is about 600 million standard cubic feet. The project is being implemented through a French company, “Total Energy,” and the project is considered capable of being increased to 300 million. Standard cubic feet, in addition to other projects being built in Mansouriya and Akkas with a capacity of 300-400 million cubic feet.

Iraq has signed three contracts to generate about 2,400 megawatts, and Iraq expects that 500 megawatts of renewable energy will be completed by next summer. The Iraqi Ministry of Oil is working to activate the contract with the Saudi ACWA Power Company to generate a thousand megawatts in Najaf Governorate, in addition to activating the contract with the Emirati company Masdar to generate a thousand megawatts. In the western regions of the country, Baghdad is working to launch an integrated gas project with a capacity of 600 million standard cubic feet with Total Energy, with a capacity of 150 million cubic feet, which can be increased to 300 million standard cubic feet.