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“America” is implementing 23 solar energy projects in “Lebanon” worth $4.8 million

May 15, 2024

A new town in Lebanon celebrated the opening of a solar energy project aimed at providing clean energy to a water pump serving more than two thousand residents.

The project, which is part of the local community support program, was supported with $223,000 by the US government through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in cooperation with the North Lebanon Water Corporation and the Municipality of Mazraat al-Tuffah.

The opening ceremony was attended by a number of prominent figures including US Ambassador to Lebanon Lisa Johnson, USAID Mission Director in Lebanon, Julie Southfield, President of the Federation of Zgharta Municipalities, Zaani Al-Khair, Mayor of Mazraat Al-Tuffah, Simon Girgis, and representatives of the North Lebanon Water Corporation.

During the opening, the US Ambassador to Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, gave a speech in which she emphasized the importance of sustainable access to potable water for the health and economy of communities, noting that flexible infrastructure projects such as solar farms contribute to providing safe water at affordable prices to rural areas in Lebanon.

Ambassador Johnson expressed the US government's commitment to working with Lebanon to support local projects, stressing the role of the partnership in achieving long-term prosperity for Lebanon.

Johnson indicated that USAID is implementing 23 solar energy projects in the Bekaa, North, and South regions, with a cumulative value of $4.8 million. To generate about 2.7 megawatts of clean energy, benefiting more than 435,000 citizens.